On March 3, 2020, New York City got the better of me. Let me explain. I moved to the city in 2011, so maybe after nine years I got too cocky. The minute you think you have this place figured it out is the minute the city proves you wrong. I didn’t plan on living in NYC forever. After I got married in 2019, my wife and I had “the talk” about our long-term plans (translation: starting a family). We agreed we didn’t want to raise our children in New York City and would move to the suburbs at some point in the future when we felt “ready.” We decided to stay in the city for a few more years and then reassess from there.
Thanks for the post Andrew. The original "death of NYC" thesis only made sense if the bulk of companies were going to transform into full WFH, which is not the case here. The hybrid approach that most are considering will mean that employees still need/want to be close enough so that they don't put up with mind-numbing commute. Not to mention that there will be more "cost-of-living adjustments" and missed career opportunities for many remote workers.
Thanks for the post Andrew. The original "death of NYC" thesis only made sense if the bulk of companies were going to transform into full WFH, which is not the case here. The hybrid approach that most are considering will mean that employees still need/want to be close enough so that they don't put up with mind-numbing commute. Not to mention that there will be more "cost-of-living adjustments" and missed career opportunities for many remote workers.