A few weeks ago I put up a post on quirky tail risk bets. I got lots of ideas, both macro and sector specific, about tail risk bets on the heels of that post. While many are interesting, none of them have really “clicked” with me / I haven’t figured out a really advantaged trade to put any of them, so I haven’t really traded around any of them.
Great article . Perhaps another opinion. In the Uber capitalist economy that we live. Sports allows for focused advertising. The players don’t get paid for merely toting a ball, but in fact they are running billboards that eye balls actually focus on. Add in a bit of virtue signaling and people feel good about paying money for adds.
Does anyone under age 30 or 40 watch broadcasts of wokesports leagues?
It'll be a long time coming but someday people may tire of bread & circuses, and billionaires will probably prefer to be as unknown as possible. Unless it's e-sports bread and circuses maybe?
Great article. Specifically interested to see if Zaslav will follow through with the comments he made to investors that the biz doesn’t need the NBA if it doesn’t make sense from a cash flow perspective. Will he have the intestinal fortitude to forgo the revenues to increase shareholder value?
Great article . Perhaps another opinion. In the Uber capitalist economy that we live. Sports allows for focused advertising. The players don’t get paid for merely toting a ball, but in fact they are running billboards that eye balls actually focus on. Add in a bit of virtue signaling and people feel good about paying money for adds.
Well said, I agree with you.
Does anyone under age 30 or 40 watch broadcasts of wokesports leagues?
It'll be a long time coming but someday people may tire of bread & circuses, and billionaires will probably prefer to be as unknown as possible. Unless it's e-sports bread and circuses maybe?
Great article. Specifically interested to see if Zaslav will follow through with the comments he made to investors that the biz doesn’t need the NBA if it doesn’t make sense from a cash flow perspective. Will he have the intestinal fortitude to forgo the revenues to increase shareholder value?
Have the broadcast rights to NASCAR dropped over the past say 20 years?
The Baltimore Orioles were publicly traded, albeit in the Pinks, for many years.