Cool post. I think about this too. Can be extended to all parts of life, and all media (music you listed to, movies you watch). I think Buffett's success to a large degree, and why people claims he does outright acquisitions of large companies with "no DD" is because he's incepted sooo much relevant knowledge gained from 70 years of sitting in a room, 12 hours a day, reading micro-related. So that coupled with brilliant pattern recognition + ability to draw relevant insights + photographic memory means he can act extremely quickly / decisively on investment opportunities.
I don’t think sci-fi makes you know the future, rather it’s a trait marker for people who like to think about it and thus a self selector I think.
Yo re:fantasy / reading, I don’t know if it makes you a more creative person but I definitely thought the point that Stephen pinker made about it decreasing crime because it helped create empathy seems... true ish? Not a fun read though.
Related to this is something I've been thinking about lately, Signal vs. Noise. The more you look at/think about macro the more noise you're getting and the less actual signal. It's important to zoom out, see the big picture and don't miss the signal in all of the noise.
Cool post. I think about this too. Can be extended to all parts of life, and all media (music you listed to, movies you watch). I think Buffett's success to a large degree, and why people claims he does outright acquisitions of large companies with "no DD" is because he's incepted sooo much relevant knowledge gained from 70 years of sitting in a room, 12 hours a day, reading micro-related. So that coupled with brilliant pattern recognition + ability to draw relevant insights + photographic memory means he can act extremely quickly / decisively on investment opportunities.
I don’t think sci-fi makes you know the future, rather it’s a trait marker for people who like to think about it and thus a self selector I think.
Yo re:fantasy / reading, I don’t know if it makes you a more creative person but I definitely thought the point that Stephen pinker made about it decreasing crime because it helped create empathy seems... true ish? Not a fun read though.
Related to this is something I've been thinking about lately, Signal vs. Noise. The more you look at/think about macro the more noise you're getting and the less actual signal. It's important to zoom out, see the big picture and don't miss the signal in all of the noise.