Why is no one ever mentioning the risk that Trump gets totally destroyed by all the civil and criminal investigations/lawsuits? Not that he's not great at escaping justice, but sometimes luck runs out...

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I'm 100% with you, and was going to mention it.... but worried it veered too far into politics and people would start focusing on that one aspect instead of the whole post. I settled on the stuff about the SEC and auditors in the second post broadly covering this risk

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This is one of the asymmetrical things about Trump; everybody on the rational and calm-headed circuit feels like they can't say the obvious about him for fear of looking biased or unfair, yet he and his gang have no problem at all making stuff up non-stop and gaslighting everyone about everything.

The lawsuits and investigations are public facts and shouldn't be considered a "political" thing, IMO. His behavior and the attempted insurrection and such are also historical facts, not political opinions. Anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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