have you looked at hmtv as a risk arb?

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I think they make some very solid points; this is way too cheap

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I struggle to handicap odds of a price bump whenever major holders are effectively in control and minority holders are left to voice their displeasure.

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I've seen so many offers hanging out there like low fruit, but with equities selling off so much and interest rates rising, that it begs the question: will it get to the point where the PE firms are credit crunched and won't be able to raise debt for these deals? TWTR being an outlier, I'm thinking about TROX, LAZY, BALY (TO), SRT, to name a few. In other words, at what point do the PE firms back off, let the stocks get hammered and buy in at even lower prices?

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Andrew, it is so welcome to read a bull as we head through such bumpy times, and it is also great to hear that CdM will be creating a little Rangeley Capital Podcast magic with you! I made the mistake of $ cost averaging into ATUS, GOED, PL, and the like, and my only way to take advantage of new opportunities is to realize a loss. Ah well, now I learned about cash management :)

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